Friday, April 6, 2018

The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg: the Left kind of Jew

Yesterday Jeffrey Goldberg fired The Atlantic's new columnist, Kevin Williamson. Williamson had earned some ire on the right for writing not very complimentary things about poor white people, a caste from which he hails. We always took his writings on the matter as self-criticism. It never bothered us. After all we bash our fellow Jews here, both secular and Hasidic and are about to do so now.

Williamson supports the death penalty for abortion. Take it away Ben Shapiro!
So, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic has now fired former National Review columnist Kevin Williamson. The reason, supposedly, was that Williamson had written a tweet years ago suggesting the death penalty as a punishment for abortion; he also appeared on a podcast wherein he discussed the idea. But Williamson’s tweet was widely distributed on Twitter for years. In other words, this wasn’t anything new. Goldberg merely caved to public pressure from the Left.
So holding certain opinions is now grounds for termination? Have fun with that, HR. We'll leave others to hash that out. 

Shapiro points out that The Atlantic employs Ta-Nehisi Coats, (we have no thoughts on pronunciation) who thinks the white man casts bad ju-ju against the black man. The Atlantic also employs Andrew Sullivan, the world's premier homosexual gynecological expert. Sorry folks, you're just going to have to google that one.

But let's get back to Goldberg. Shapiro notes Goldberg was 'a pawn of the Obama administration who acted as their front man for selling a series of egregious lies to the American public about the Iran deal...'

Lord, we loath Jews like Goldberg. He loves Israel, so long as the nation is run by Globalists* like the Quisling Shimon Peres and failed Prime Minister Ehud Barak.** Warriors like
Begin, Sharon and Netanyahu are just They kill Israel's enemies and keep the Sabbath holy. One has to be loyal to one's class, after all, and Bibi makes it difficult to defend the Jewish State when amongst the Smart Set. Jews aren't supposed to fight back, don't you know.

Goldberg certainly didn't fight back against Media Matters. So the Atlantic loses a talented, and more importantly, interesting writer becuase Jeffrey Goldberg has no spine.

Laugh it up, fuzz-ball

*No 'Globalist' is not code for 'The Jews'
**Great General and Defence Minister, though