Friday, April 6, 2018

The Jew is Clever: Saudi Edition

Well that was quick:
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s crown prince said in a published interview that Israelis are entitled to live peacefully on their own land, another public sign of an apparent thawing in ties between the two countries.
We knew this day would come, though we thought it'd be a decade from now.

Prince Salman is quite the reformer, eh? First he arrests half the Royal family. Then he makes moves to allow women to do things like drive cars.* Now this massive charm offensive in America. Hell, The Prince is even allowing Black Panther to show in Saudi theatres, the first movie there in 35 years. You know you're winning when your pop-culture shows up in enemy territory.**

Systems collapse gradually and then all at once, eh?

Of course, in Israeli Strikes the Israelis work very closely with a reform minded Saudi Crown Prince.*** We had the Israelis seize an Iranian air base for their three day aerial assault on the country. When the time comes, maybe they'll just fly out of Saudi bases.

*We have no problem with the gals driving, but we say never let them parallel park.
**See for example the KFC that popped up in Fallujah in 2008.
***Whom we modeled after Justin Trudeau. WTF?

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