Thursday, April 12, 2018

Today Newt Gingrich Conservatism Finally Dies

Speaker Paul Ryan has announced he will not seek reelection.

With Ryan's passing passes the era of conservative policy-wonkism. The generation of conservatives who remember the 70's but came of age during Reagan. Under the tutelage of Gingrich the conservative policy-wonks had great ideas on everything from school reform to garbage collection. We are one of them.

The Federalist notes that:

Ryan was the most important Republican in Washington from 2009 to 2016. He now seems like a throwback from a bygone era, when voters expected their politicians to be straight-laced, honest, and sincere. He was serious, and dedicated himself to trying to tell stories to the American people about the fiscal direction of the country – stories which voters mostly ignored because they always seemed to involve hard news and histograms. Wisconsin nice and a truly decent person, Ryan’s approach was doomed in an era that values none of those things. It values the ferocity, the abandon of confrontational politics, not grand bargains and compromise.

Quote right. You can't patiently explain your ideas when the other side runs commercials that feature you pushing grandmothers off cliffs:

Breitbart ads that after the audience of The View loudly cheered Paul Ryan's retirement, Meghan McCain shot back:
“We’re having Trey Gowdy on tomorrow — this is the bloodletting of classic conservative. The people that are cheering. Do you know what comes in its place? Trumpism, and I assume if you don’t like Paul Ryan, you probably hate Trump more. So maybe don’t cheer when people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney and Trey Gowdy, and people like Ben Sasse, who are, thank God, still in office, or maybe on their way out, because I assure you — what’s in its place you will like a lot less.”
This is how you got Trump.

Personally we'll never debate ideas and policy with a Democrat, Liberal, or Lefty again. Our response will simply be, 'I like vanilla and you like chocolate. You like chocolate becuase your a bad person.'


  1. Me personally I'm glad he is gone I am so tried of these so call republicans with no backbone caving into the democrats every time.thays why I support Trump you have to fight fire with fire
