Sunday, April 1, 2018

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4-1-25

Pershing's War: 1919: Part Deux...


Oui, Mademoiselle ...

[Oh god, the French lessons-Ed]

Escu vu ze D'rai boire quelque chose chez moiz, Mademoiselle?

I just asked you if you wanted to get a drink at my place.


We're going to France this summer. I have to be prepared.

Anyway, Part II* of Pershing's War 1919 will feature Bullard's Second Army advancing across the Woevre Plain and attacking Metz. This was the heart of Alsace-Lorraine and without the city the Germans could not have hoped to hold the province. This will be told entirely from Bullard's HQ and perspective.

*Note this will be Part II of the book. There will be no second book. This is a one and done proposition.

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