In a few days President Trump meets Kim Jong in Singapore.
It seems Kim has had a change of heart. Our own speculation as to his thought process:
1-Trump responded to Kim's verbal bellicosity in kind. See, 'Fire and fury'. This is unprecedented.
2-Trump put extreme pressure on China to reign in their boy.
3-The North Korean nuclear test site collapse wiped out most of Kim's nuclear brain trust and was no accident. See 'Rods from God'.
4-In the secret meetings disclosed earlier this year, Mike Pompeo and Kim laid out the parameters for negotiations.
We think those parameters are Kim's Nukes, our nukes in Korea and Kim's hold on power.
The deal: Kim gets rid of his nukes and nuke technology and throws open the whole apparatus for vigorous international inspection. In return the US removes its nukes from Korea and promises to never invade North Korea.*
This is more or less the deal that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We think The Art of the Deal includes everyone walking away from the table happy.
*Kim probably has nightmares about being pulled out of a ditch and raped by angry rebels-Qadhafi style.
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