Thursday, June 7, 2018

Blooms in Iraq

So we're going over the Jake in Iraq in 2008 chapter. He's part of an advisory team and working with an Iraqi infantry company.

This is about the day in, day out struggle to get an Iraqi company up to snuff, the battle to secure a small town, and solving an insurgent mystery Dragnet style.

We're very nervous. Sooner or later someone who was in Iraq in 2008 is going to pick up this book. Right now our goal is to get this thing as realistic as possible.

We're re-reading our source material and so far, so good.

What do we mean by 'realistic as possible?'. That means we want the details of daily life and duty in Iraq as right as we can get them. But, that comes within the parameters of Blooms. It's my book and story comes first, always. So if we have to bend reality a bit, so be it.

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