Thursday, June 7, 2018

Wither RFK, Carpet-Bagger

Fifty years ago yesterday Robert F Kennedy was assassinated.

Apparently this is of interest to some people.

He was a non-entity, the John Edwards of his day. We have always thought it hilarious that liberals condemn Senator McCarthy's anti-communist efforts but give RFK a pass for serving on McCarthy's committee.*

Later RFK's brother made him attorney general, prompting the 'Bobby Kennedy' law outlawing such nepotism.

In 1964 RFK parlayed his big brother's nepotism and assassination by a Com-symp into a NY Senate seat. That was the only Republican vote our Kentucky born grandmother ever cast; RFK was a carpet-bagger. 

Today RFK's children pester us about the environment based on the idea that if one's uncle made one's daddy attorney general that gives one the right to tell the rest of us what to do.

*See also sex addict and serial sexual predator Bill Clinton, not to mention Mary-Jo Kopechne's murderer, Ted Kennedy. 

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