Tuesday, October 23, 2018


We haven't thought much about 2543 lately.

We intend to spend November researching and outlining the novel.

This is rather rare for us.

Mostly we just want to have everything together as we write. Usually we just let things spring up as we go. It's a system that's always worked for us. This time we'd like to avoid some of the problems that spring up when one writes that way.

Interestingly, our oldest is taking a creative writing class. The teacher was very interested to meet us on Parent/Teacher's night. As we walked away afterwards we heard her whisper to another teacher, 'That's her dad.' Clearly she has a crush on us.

[Narrator: No, she doesn't.]

Anyway Oldest Daughter has been doing all the brainstorming, outlining, etc that creative writing teachers like to tell their students to do. She asked us, 'Daddy do you outline?'

So we told Oldest Daughter that we don't do 'proper' writing like that but then sensed she was just trying to get out of a homework assignment. 

'You do what the teacher tells you to do,' we admonished.

And so shall we.

1 comment:

  1. They were probably thinking “ That’s her Dad? But she is so smart? That Apple fell MILES away from that tree.
