Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Comming of the Trump

The indispensable Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars points out that Barrack Hussein Obama ain't exactly packing 'em in.

Look, folks, Barry never did have any coattails, probably becuase he couldn't stop talking about himself. Drudge reports that Mr. Obama mentioned himself 92 times last night. 

As Barry's two terms were a lost decade for America so it was a lost decade for the Democrat Party, which lost over a thousand seats during eight years of regime enforced mediocrity.

Ten years after his election Barrack is old news. Like the Clinton's, another disastrous regime for the Democrat Party, Barry O isn't going away. It's like watching the last gasp of the urbanite hipster, clinging bitterly to his Light Worker.

Which is great news for the GOP.

Meanwhile Trump's Houston rally was like a rock concert, with tens of thousands packed in the rafters and tens of thousands more waiting outside.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, and it is Deplorable.

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