Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Very Special Tuesday Tally for Senator Warren

So we contacted Senator Elizabeth Warren (I, Wounded Knee) and asked for her favorite Native American themed movies.

[Narrator: No, you didn't]

The following is a list of such films directly from the Senator:

[Narrator: No, it isn't]

The Searchers (1956): A brilliant John Ford Film and the greatest Western ever made. Anyone who thinks the Duke couldn't act should see the contempt his Ethan has for everyone else and his pure hatred for the Red Man. 

Senator Warren said she related to Ethan's sidekick,  the half-breed Marty.

Jeremiah Johnson (1972): How many ways can you kill an Indian? Trapping in the Rockies, Robert Redford is going to find out. You know, some moron wanted to make this film on a sound stage.

Senator Warren said she was rooting for the Crow and Blackfoot tribes the entire time.

Geronimo, an American Legend (1993): This film portrays the plight of Native Americans without being preachy. It also does an excellent job showing the quandary faced by the US Army.

Senator Warren said that for the first time, she understood how tough it was to be a US Cavalrymen.

Rio Grande (1950): John Wayne plays a career army officer married to a southern woman. During Sherman's March he had to torch his wife's family estate.

Senator Warren remarked that being 1/1024 Native American, she related to John Wayne's duel identity. She also enjoyed the native chanting, which really took her back to her roots.

[Narrator: In the faculty lounge?]

F Troop (1965-1967): a comedic romp through the old west, Senator Warren said if you can't laugh at yourself, you can you ever really laugh. She followed both Pale Face and Redskin.

Senator Warren also graciously told us about her favorite heavy metal song, Iron Maiden's 'Run to the Hills'. She quoted the opening verse with great reverence for her tribal ancestors:

White man came
across the sea
he brought us pain
and misery

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