Thursday, October 25, 2018

Baseball: the Sporting Time Sink

During the World Cup last summer we were highly impressed with the way the officials kept the game moving.

We can't say the same about baseball.

Right now baseball's biggest problem is time.

Till the 1980s a ball game took two, maybe two-and-a-half hours.

Back in the 1920's,  Babe Ruth's Yankees  9th inning comeback's were nicknamed '5 o'clock lightening'. The games began at 3.

These days games take three hours, three-and-a- half, sometimes more. If you're watching a post-season game get comfy becuase it's gonna take four hours.

The players are the main culprit.

Batters walk around the plate taking practice swings. They step out of the box to adjust their gloves, and/or walk around aimlessly. Pitchers do the same on the mound.

The mound meetings are another time waster. Ban them.

For that matter require the batter to keep one foot in the box at all times. And sorry pitchers, no more lazy afternoons on the mound. From now on a 14 second pitch clock.

Now if they could just do something about the incessant commercial breaks.

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