Thursday, October 25, 2018

Election 2018: Report from NJ-07

Here in New Jersey's 7th Congressional District, we're represented by milquetoast Republican Leonard Lance, who is pretty much a wanker. We told him so once during a tele-townhall.

NJ-07 is rated 'toss-up' by the stat-heads who usually get these things wrong.

The district is the scene of some fierce campaigning though and Democrat Tom Malinowski is working hard to win. One see plenty of Malinowski signs around here, which means as with everywhere else, the RESISTANCE is out in force.

That above mentioned tele-townhall is important, though.

Lance has a strong organization in the district. For starters, after we told off his boss, Lance's CoS called for a follow up.

During the last few elections Lance faced primary challenges from a Tea-Party candidate. Our mailbox would get flooded with Pro-Lance material during the last ten days of the race.

We know for a fact that canvassers have come through our neighborhood talking up Lance.

And every time we go on YouTube we see this:
...or some version of it anyway.

Our point is that Lance has a good organization here in NJ-07.

From what we've seen Malinoswki's ads are an incomprehensible embarrassment:

Big Pharma, really? Does Malinowski know how many people work for 'Big Pharma' in this part of the state?

Another ad said Leonard Lance opposed assault weapon bans and funding for Abortions. So Malinowski is running a GOP turnout op now? There's also some high-concept artsy stuff, but I can't find it in Malinowski's YouTube page.

The only poll we've seen comes from mid-September and had Malinowski up 46-43, which means both sides have work to do.

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