Sunday, October 7, 2018

Breitbart is Here

Times like these I think about Andrew Breitbart.

He's gone more than six years now but his imprint is everywhere, no more so then in the Kavanaugh confirmation fight.

Andrew Breitbart began as 1/2 of the Drudge Report. He was the guy that figured out the genius of ironic headline placement. Later he started his own new page and then most famously, Big Hollywood, which eventually morphed into Breitbart, now one of the top news sites on the planet.

When he challenged a bunch of anti-Prop8 agitators to protest a mosque I was hooked.

I say without hesitation that without Breitbart there would be no Kavanaugh confirmation and no Trump. He taught us how to fight back against the smears. Breitbart taught me to go toward the flame and to turn the camera around. 

I pulled some Breitbartian maneuvers when I was a prof. I was in the adjunct office when I clicked on Drudge and saw he died, I was damn near inconsolable.

I think Andrew everyday but I don't miss him, because he's right here with me.

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