Thursday, October 11, 2018

Feminism is Always Bad for Women

The Blaze tells us that #metoo is fracturing the workplace:
There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”
We already know that a young man can't meet girls in college for fear of alcohol fueled rape allegations. Now he can't meet women in the workplace. What is a young man to do?

Feminism is of a course a movement of unhappy lesbian women determined to make other women as unhappy as they are. Feminism's secondary goal is to drive a wedge between men and women. The long term result is frustrated young men turning to porn, and miserable young women who can't find men. This leaves a vast ocean of unhappy and vulnerable young women in which Lesbian sharks can hunt.

We are reminded of the vitriol and hatred that Andrew Sullivan had for Sarah Palin. Excitable Andi spent years trying to prove Sarah Palin didn't really give birth to Trig Palin. You see, Palin is smart, self made, and beautiful. At the same time her husband Todd is a real man's man. An oilfield and steel worker, a do-it-yourselfer, who races the Iditarod for fun. Andi just couldn't help himself. 

So the workplace goes #metoo. A young woman in the office won't have a reason to splash a little perfume on her wrist, put a little extra curl in her hair, or perhaps just a touch of swish in her walk. The young men will be to afraid to ask her out. And rightly so. Instead she'll work longer hours and come home to her empty apartment.

Feminism is ALWAYS bad for women.

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