Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Leave This

Via my FBF Kathy Shaidle, a great article from the Guardian about Remainer bitter clingers:
But really this is all about feelings – and I wonder why politicos are so bad at even beginning to understand this. Two years on, it is all, as Danny Dyer said, “a mad riddle”. Progressives still prefer to bully leavers rather than understand what drives them. Despising half the country is now the progressive position. So half the country are racist, old, small-minded, poor people who were seduced by a combination of Aaron Banks and delusions of empire. What these people really need is to be lectured constantly by a motley crew of metropolitan celebrities and has-been politicians (Clegg, Heseltine, Blair). Spare me, please.
It's the same here with the Anti-Trump people. They are right, they know best, and won't so much as stoop to persuade Normals.

Going on:
The remain campaign, from its passion-free name and its inherent self-righteousness, is the worst campaign I have seen in my lifetime. In 2016, before the referendum, I wrote: “Much of England is ready to roll that dice [voting leave]; this part of England, so often despised, demonised and disrespected by those who claim to represent it, does need to be spoken for. This England will not do as it is told.” It turns out that I was right.
As with every other political issue in Britain and America, Brexit isn't about economics, or the EU or race; it's about class.

Leaver's like Football, steak and kidney pie, their local brew and wonder why the hell their little town needs a pizza-kabob next to the off-license.

The bitter Remainers are incapable of saying, 'You know, you might like kabob,' instead they mock, 'Your a racist Little Englander.' That is, they are incapable of persuasion. So the Normals revolt.

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