Friday, October 19, 2018

New Government in Iraq?

New Government in Iraq!

Fellow Neo-Con Eli Lake writes:
The new government in Baghdad has evoked two broad reactions in Washington: hope and dread
My Bloomberg Opinion colleague Meghan O’Sullivan is encouraged by Iraq’s new president and designated prime minister, Barham Salih and Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Both men have longstanding relationships with the U.S. government and have played important roles in building a new Iraq from the ashes of Saddam Hussein’s tyranny.

So, we have a transfer of power in an Arab country, a peaceful transfer of power no less.

Read further in the article and one will learn there have been protests, all be it with some arson, though the arson was directed at the Iranian consulate, so we'll mark that down as a good thing.

It's almost as if Iraq is better off without Saddam Hussein running the joint.

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