Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October Days of War

Prime Minister, the Egyptians have crossed the Suez and breached our defenses. Their crossing operation was well planned and executed. It was as complex as D-Day and the Egyptians pulled it off. 

Since establishing itself on the east bank yesterday the Egyptian Army has ferried tens of thousands of troops across. Intelligence believes upwards of three reinforced infantry divisions are now ensconced on the east bank of the canal.

In the north three IDF brigades are fighting for their lives against a dozen Syrian brigades. We don't believe we can reinforce the Golan in time to prevent Syrian forces from entering the Galilee.

At this point the Egyptian army is fully mobilized while we are scrambling to bring our divisions up to full strength.

In the meantime we shall strike the Egyptian position on the east bank and wipe it out before the Egyptians can reinforce it further.

Our armored forces on the Sinai are moving into position now...

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