Sunday, October 7, 2018

Screech of the Damned (Senate)

Even in this day and age a Senate decision comes down to 100, or in this case 99 senators gathering on the floor and casting 'yeah' or 'nay'.

When a senator addresses 'the president' he's not referring to Trump, but instead the president of the senate, which is the Vice President. Originally the Founders envisioned the veep running things, but this proved unnecessary and a senator sits in session in the Veep's name.

In this case Vice President Pence was on hand if needed to cast a tie breaking vote.  There he is, staid and serious, looking like the kind of man you'd want to run your mutual fund. Pence's hair is very presidential. Just a few months ago the progs were mocking Pence becuase he insists on never being alone with a woman other than his wife.

Pence called the roll, and one by one the senators stood and voted. In a touching bit of common humanity, Senator Murkowski changed her vote from 'no' to 'present' so Senator Mike Daines of Montana could attend his daughter's wedding.

Contrast Murkowski's compassion with the braying, screeching, feminist Nazis in the galley.

1 comment:

  1. Regardless of my opinion of the guy politically, I do have to give him props for insisting on never being alone with a woman other than his wife.
