Sunday, October 7, 2018


The GOP leadership insists the Kavanaugh Nomination fight has given the party the shot in the arm it needed going into the mid-terms.

We've insisted for months that no such shot was needed.

We've really been arguing all these months that everyone is off a tick or so.

One of us is wrong.

As of right now the polls have caught up to where we were arguing the electorate already was, a slight Dem advantage, not enough to tip the House to them. At this point there is no denying what the polls are showing. 

We've argued for months that there will be no Blue Wave. Given these polls intellectual honesty requires us to argue that there will now be a Red Wave, no?

-People are now openly declaring their GOP allegiances where they weren't before.
-Independents have swung massively to the GOP in disgust at what the Dems have done.
-GOPs are now super-hyper motivated.
-We were wrong the whole time.

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