Sunday, October 14, 2018

Today in Telemarketing

Stroock: I'm sorry could you repeat that? Your accent is kind of thick.
Telemarketer: [repeats pitch].
Stroock: What kind of accent is that, it doesn't sound Indian...Eastern European? Russian maybe?
Telemarketer:....I'm Dominican.
Stroock: Wow, you're calling from the DR?
Telemarketer: We're in Orlando, Florida?
Stroock: What's a Dominican doing in Orlando?
Telemarketer: I was born in the Dominican Republic but lived here all my life.
Stroock: I dunno….I'm a New Yorker. We have Dominicans. You don't sound Dominican.
Telemarketer: I am, sir.
Stroock: OK, if you're Dominican how many homeruns did Sammy Sosa hit in 1998?

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