Thursday, November 29, 2018

I checked with the Jewish Frat...

Eight months after our grandfather's demise we've come into our part of the inheritance. Of course decorum prevents us from saying how we've done last-will-and-testament-wise, but we can say that when the Stroock of New Jersey* come into a bit of good fortune we like to spread that good fortune around.

To start we made a small donation to the Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology.

We did our due-diligence beforehand and the Technion posts it's statements on-line. Here's their 2017 financials.


No wonder the Israelis have so many cool weapons.

*When at charity fundraisers in the Hamptons, debutant balls, yachting regattas and the like, we always found it embarrassing to be confused with, say, the Boston Stroocks, or the Wyoming Stroocks so we always announce up front, so as too avoid confusion.

Stroock: 'William Stroock. A pleasure.'
Mayor of Hyannis Port: 'Of the California Stroocks?'
Stroock: 'No, New Jersey.'
Mayor of Hyannis Port: 'Oh, I'm so sorry.'
Stroock: 'Not at all. Would you excuse me for a moment?'
Mayor of Hyannis Port: 'Of course.'
Stroock-to youngest daughter: 'Would you get your face out of the crab dip!'

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