Wednesday, November 28, 2018

That's not Funny

A joke is never inappropriate.

If there's a bad funeral home-mortuary joke we haven't heard it. At the Stroock family funerals, since we're the youngest, we deliver the last eulogy. We like to bring the comic relief.

But The Onion is cracking inappropriate holocaust jokes:
NEW YORK—Remembering the mixture of fear and surprise they felt during the dark time in their past, a group of Holocaust survivors recalled the exact day that the Holocaust started right out of the blue, sources confirmed Tuesday.
Just kidding. There's nothing inappropriate or wrong with this joke. The Onion asks the question everyone else has asked for the last 75 years. What the fuck were these people waiting around for? 

You see, comedy is funny when it's about real life. Three millennia of suffering are one of the reasons why Jews are so funny. 

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