Thursday, December 6, 2018

Down with Homework

The Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District is having something of a homework crisis.

There's too much of it.

So last night we attended the BRRSD homework discussion.

Upon walking into the Eisenhower Intermediate School cafeteria we 40 or so parents broke up into small groups. It was at this point we thought, 'I've made a huge mistake.'

Actually no. We focused grouped what was happening in the district vis a vis homework.

Parents will know the score.

Having always done the absolute bare minimum in school we really didn't have anything with which to compare the current homework burden.

As is usual at these things people started saying, 'Well in Finland...' or 'I taught for a year in France and...' We asked if in other countries people say things like, 'Well in American schools they...' Contemptuous laughter resulted, obviously. The Americans school system has been a disgrace for at least forty years. Nobody wants to copy anything we do.

Interestingly the Indian parents in the group expressed surprise at how much homework was required and had assumed the burden their children face in America would be lesser then the burden they grew up with in India. They also complained about teachers being oblivious to the Hindu holiday calendar and assigning homework on Diwali. However they also said they liked how American schools allowed for a lot of creativity and free thinking, saying that in India they learned by rote.

By the way, we were the only man in a table of ten, four of whom were milfy. After the discussion ended two women came up to me to chat. You're damn right they did. 

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