Wednesday, March 6, 2019

One Year On

Mark Stroock II died one year ago tonight.

For some time we thought we'd do a long post on the man, more than the hagiography necessary and just at the time of his passing.

Alert reader(s), and you people know who you are, perceived that our relationship with the man was...complex. He was the family patriarch after all, and if the Stroock family history were written as a historical drama of an empire, then he'd be the great emperor.

We thought his death would relieve us of a simple burden, the nightly phone call, but no. On November 16th our mother died and so...

Today our father will be going to Ferncliff Cemetery to perform the mourner's kadish.

Yisgadal v'yiskadash sh'mei rabbaw (Amen)
B'allmaw dee v'raw chir'usei
v'yamlich malchusei,b'chayeichon, uv'yomeichon,
uv'chayei d'chol beis yisroel,
ba'agawlaw u'vizman kawriv, v'imru: Amen.
(Cong: Amen. Y'hei sh'mei rabbaw m'vawrach l'allam u'l'allmei allmayaw)
Y'hei sh'mei rabbaw m'vawrach l'allam u'l'allmei allmayaw.
Yis'bawrach, v'yishtabach, v'yispaw'ar, v'yisromam, v'yis'nasei,
v'yis'hadar, v'yis'aleh, v'yis'halawl sh'mei d'kudshaw b'rich hu
(Cong. b'rich hu). L'aylaw min kol birchawsaw v'shirawsaw,
tush'b'chawsaw v'nechemawsaw, da'ami'rawn b'all'maw, v'imru: Amein
Y'hei shlawmaw rabbaw min sh'mayaw,v'chayim
awleinu v'al kol yisroel, v'imru: Amein
Oseh shawlom bim'ro'mawv, hu ya'aseh shawlom,
awleinu v'al kol yisroel v'imru: Amein

Christmas 2017

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