Friday, March 8, 2019

Representative Betty McCollum Hates Jews

Hotair tells us about a closeted Jew Hater, Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN) chastising an open Jew Hater, Representative Ilhan Omar (Nazi-Mogadishu):
[Betty] McCollum has been pushing anti-Israel resolutions for years, going so far as to accuse the Israeli government of “apartheid.” And yet here she is with one of the most politely critical statements of Omar by a Democrat issued this week. What gives?

There's a zillion sob-sister causes to choose from on god's earth. Child labor, human trafficking, the plight of the Yazidis, female circumcision*, yet Representative McCollum selected the Jews. There's only one reason to focus on Israel, just one.

Don't give me that, 'criticism of Israel doesn't mean you hate Jews' crap. 

I'm critical of Israeli religious policy.

McCollum isn't criticizing Israel, she's calling for diplomatic and economic isolation of the Jewish State.

Betty McCollum hates Jews.

*Hey you don't suppose Omar...? 

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