Monday, May 20, 2019

Diablo Cody Doesn't Understand her own Screenplay

You know Juno, right? Diablo Cody's sweet, sensitive, wonderful film about a quirky and pregnant teenage girl who decides to keep her baby?

Diablo Cody regrets the film. Via Brietbart:
Oscar-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody said she probably would not have written her 2007 film Juno in today’s political environment with states like Alabama and Georgia enacting pro-life legislation restricting abortion.

“I don’t even know if I would have written a movie like Juno if I had known that the world was going to spiral into this hellish alternate reality that we now seem to be stuck in,” Cody told Crooked Media’s Keep It! podcast.
Well what the hell kind of movie did Cody think she was writing? To whom did she think the film would appeal?* 

You know how we like to talk about how moral decisions are not easy? How many abortionists squirmed in their seat? For these people it's always easy to get the abortion.

For the record, we think Juno works even if she gets the abortion. That's not the point. The pregnancy is the catalyst for change and personal growth. Juno is about a family coming together. Near the end Juno's step mom shouts, 'Someone wanna get my kid the goddamn epidural?' 

This abolitionist likes your film, Ms. Cody. Sorry, not sorry.

*It's as if this blog was shocked that the occasional White Nationalist likes The Austrian Painter.

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