Monday, May 20, 2019

On Les Finale de Game of Thrones

Just perfect.

The writers knew their characters and what they would do. Or at least what we think they should do.

This meshed perfectly with what the fans, at least this fan, wanted.

We liked Brianne of Tarth writing up Jamie Lannister's entry in the history book and the presentation of the History of the Wars after the death of King Robert. We would, then, wouldn't we?

What, indeed, is west of Westeros?

We end with the rogues and misfits running the Royal Council.

From now on there will be no hereditary successor and with the death of each monarch the lords shall meet to chose a new monarch. In the centuries to come the meeting will expand to include not just lords, but rich men, maesters, perhaps a philosopher or two.

And in this way Westeros stumbled upon parliamentary democracy.

So the wheel is broken. All hail Denarys the Great.

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