Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Have they Finally gone too far?

Via Hotair, perhaps they have:
Twenty-three percent (23%) of voters believe a person born as a male but identifying as a female should be allowed to compete in women’s competitive sports events. A Scott Rasmussen.com national survey found that 56% disagree and 21% are not sure.
Then again  fifteen years ago 30 states passed bans on gay marriage passed by referendum. 

The long slog against normalcy will continue.

Pedophilia (Sorry, Minor-Attracted of MAPs) is next.

In a few years METV or some such will rerun Different Strokes. All you Gen Xrs know where this is headed. When they air the weird pedophile episode there will be a 'controversy' with a couple of op eds in important papers calling for understanding not stigmatizing, and away we'll go.

In 50 years all those pedophile priests will be pioneers for MAP rights.

Let's just hope this time they've gone too far.

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