Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Farage to BBC: Dracarys

BBC Man Andrew Marr, who has written some great books about 20th century Britain, is an ass.

Breitbart describes his interview, or confrontation really, with Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage:
Interviewer Andrew Marr began by making the huge mistake of treating Farage like the BBC treats all politicians to the right of Lenin: with unutterable contempt, as if he were a dangerous idiot with wacky views which no civilised person could possibly hold. Marr began (from a long list of “gotcha” questions designed to make Farage look like an extremist) with climate change.
We urge reader(s) to watch the clips at the link.

Marr sought to discredit Farage through questions designed to show he did not hold views conventional with the elite, the smart set, the BBC.

He was incapable of asking pertinent questions about Brexit, the EU immigration, and even the upcoming EU elections.

Farage called him out and the result was a massacre. The whole nation saw it.

The elites forget nothing and learn nothng.

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