Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hey Naomi Wolf, you Suck

So pseudo scholar feminist and blowjob queen* Naomi Wolf has been humiliated.

In brief, Wolf thought Victorian Britain was executing men for sodomy because court transcripts listed their verdicts as 'Death Recorded'. It turns out that Death Recorded means the sentence was commuted not carried out.

When we listened to the interview a feeling of cold terror came upon us. We actually broke into a sweat, with white flashes. In short we were physically ill.

It's easy to slam Wolf and we've always thought she was kinda hot, I mean, nice rack . 

[Christ on the Cross, it's like being the imaginary editor of a 14 year old-Ed]

But we urge reader(s) to read this, which expresses our own thoughts perfectly.

No matter how hard we work at it, typos sneak through, we have multiple editors mind you, and mistakes get made.

Our worst mistake involved World War 1990: ANZACs. Prime Minister Bob Hawke was a teetotaler, but somehow we mangled this into thinking he liked to do business over cigars and whiskey. The Aussies let us know it, too. They were pissed.

To be honest, we really don't care if Australian F-18s couldn't fire HARMs or if everyone knows that Aussie Leopard get the idea. But the Bob Hawke thing is a big one.

We sympathize with you Naomi, we really do.

Not that you don't deserve it you sloppy, feminist, Israel-hating fraud.

*You'll have to look that up.

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