Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Trump to Iran: Dracarys

Trump plans to send 120,000 troops to the Gulf!

Sabers rattle!

War drums beat!  That sort of thing always sounds like the Tomahawk* chop to me, but whatev.

We think China is pushing Iran to make trouble as a hedge against Trump's looming victory in the trade war.

But there's no reason not to speculate about what the Pentagon is thinking.

Those 120,000 troops would come to about six divisions + support personnel, air force types, navy, coasties, etc etc. That's a back of the envelope calculation.

What do ya think, a division of Marines and the 82nd Airborne to secure the Straights of Hormuz, reinforced by the Big Red One, no? Two divisions to Iraq, one to Syria?

Or are Bolton and the boys gonna get really serious and invade Lebanon.

As we've pointed out before, that would be a cool novel.

I'm gonna be honest, war with Iran, I don't see a down side.

*Took me three tries to spell Tomahawk right, even though I've been writing about Tomahawk missiles all week.

1 comment:

  1. 1st and 3rd Marines divisions do land in Iran with the 82nd making an airdrop backed up by a army heavey corps if we have one left to deploy leave Lebanon to the Israelis
