Wednesday, August 7, 2019

John Wayne's Alamo: The Mexicans

Without looking we're sure leftist film critics have slammed The Alamo for portraying Mexicans badly.

These fucktards have not watched The Alamo.

There's not one bandoleer wearing, gold tooth sporting, tequila swilling Mexican in this entire film. A Clint Eastwood movie this ain't.

Early on Jim Bowie tells Davey Crocket why he likes the Mexicans so much. A little later a Mexican rancher, splendidly costumed we might add, tries to tell Colonel Travis that Santa Anna's army has crossed the Rio Grande. After the first battle the Texans look at the field of Mexican army corpses, one talks about how proud he was of them.

At no point is the Mexican Army portrayed as cowardly or blood thirsty. In fact they look professional and brave. We love this screen cap from the end of the final battle. We think the pic speaks for itself:
You know who comes off looking bad in John Wayne's The Alamo? - The Tennesseans. According to the Duke, Davey Crocket gathered a bunch of whisky swilling, road kill eating, backwoods talking twang-boys* and brought them down to Texas to swill whisky and twang. We enjoyed Chill Willis' death. The Texans don't come off much better. Wayne is practically begging the viewer to think they're stupid.

Of course John Wayne was married to a Mexican woman at the time.



*[What the fuck is  a 'twang-boy' -Ed]


  1. Who else would u want in a fight a bunch of rednecks or the so called men at the Democratic socialist convention
