From a marketing standpoint alone it would be really smart to write it.
We have vision but not ideas. The juju is vague. It lacks contours. Chameleon like. Just who are these people?
When we're on the treadmill, listening to The Answer during the final ten minutes of the run, you know what comes to mind? Images from World War 1990: The Weser.
We should probably do The Final Storm before we do The Weser.
Nederlandse is going great. How's Three Seas coming? You people tell me.
Also, tomorrow on the treadmill, when we play Slade's Run, Run Away to get through that last four minutes, imagine Marines in Lebanon.
The 2nd MEF coming ashore in Lebanon meeting a Israeli armour thirst also the 1&3 MEF and the 82nd airborne landing in Iran the 10th mountain and the 101st attacking from Afghanistan finally Iraqi and Saudi armour crossing into Iran