Monday, September 23, 2019

Nuke the Jews

Israel is a nuclear power.

Nobody really knows how many nuclear weapons the Israelis have. We've read estimates from 80 to 100 to four hundred. We suspect the Israelis have as many nukes as they feel they need to have.

With their Dolphin Class submarines the Israelis have a strategic nuclear and second strike capability. 

Forty years ago yesterday the Israelis tested a nuclear weapon with their friends, South Africa, the so called Vela Incident. Ynet reports:
On the 40th anniversary of this event, Foreign Policy Magazine has rounded up a team of scientists, academics, former government officials and nonproliferation experts to analyze data and documents that have declassified since then. Shortly before the dawn of September 22nd, an American satellite called Vela6911 documented a double flash while orbiting over the southern Atlantic Ocean*. It was clear to the crew at the Patrick Air Force Base in Florida that this was a nuclear explosion, an occurrence that American satellites have already documented dozens of times before. The U.S. Air Force issued an alert and President Carter rushed to call a meeting in the White House Situation Room the very next day.
As we recall South Africa had half a dozen nukes, which just goes to show what a decently run country with a first world economy and tech base can do when it needs to. God bless PW Botha.

The Jews are a biblical people with biblical level destructive power. This blog wonders what Israel's doomsday plan is. Whatever the Israelis plan to do, we're sure it has a cool Olde Testament name loaded with biblical imagery and wrath.

Weigh in below folks. Operation Samson, Operation Locust, Operation Pharaoh...

*It was the Indian Ocean.

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