Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Canada won't go Back. Stays Black

Anyone else paying attention to Canada's looming election?
Polls show Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives will win between 30-35 percent of the vote against Prime Minister Black Face's 28-30 percent. Personally we think Andrew Scheer is a hoser and would much prefer the Cons had picked populist firebrand Maxime Bernier.

Oh well.

We have a man on the ground in Canada who thinks Scheer will win a minority government. However rumors abound that should the Cons fail to win an outright majority, Justin will refuse to leave and try to form a minority government with the lefty NDP*.

This seems like the most likely scenario to us. After all, when in the last three years has a liberal, anywhere,  admitted defeat? The left's refusal to lose gracefully has produced electoral deadlock in Britain and America. There's no reason to think the same thing won't happen in Canada. 

Justin, give up his hereditary right to rule? Surely you jest.

There's always hope that Stroock's law will kick in and conservatives are being under polled.

But don't count on it. 

A better man:
*We find their leader quite likable, actually.

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