Thursday, January 23, 2020

De Blasio takes NYC back to 70's Form

Via Instapundit, the New York Post has NYPD police union video documenting the astonishing return of graffiti to the NYC subway system. Mrs. Stroock reports she herself has seen such.

This is bad, this so unbelievably bad. When the graffiti is back, when the turnstile jumpers operate with impunity, when the muggers return to the subway, your city is going to hell.

This is what lefties like Mayor Bill De Blasio (S-Managua) don't get about petty crime. It's a quality of life issue. These are the idiots, and they are out there, people, who miss the Old New York. The New York of Taxi-Driver and Midnight Cowboy.

Here's what we wrote about De Blasio and the old New York for Inforos:

On a cool spring night in 1990, this author and his father were driving back from a New York Yankees game at Yankee Stadium in the notorious South Bronx. When we made a wrong turn and went through a tunnel, our father rolled up the windows, locked the doors and told this author to look straight ahead. As we emerged from the tunnel, out came a squeegee man rubbing the car windshield with a rag and demanding money. This was the New York of high crime and urban decay, when Times Square was filled with porn shops and peep shows and the subways were covered in graffiti. This was the Old New York.
Oh, how's the no bail reform working out?

Soon NYC will go the way of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Thanks, Bill, thanks a lot.

Long time reader(s) know this blog's stance on NYC. Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother and throw California in there too so we can stop it from soreading
