Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday Metal (Non Canadian Version)

You people are probably expecting something on the death of Neal Peart, but to be honest, we've never been a Rush guy and we know next to nothing about drummers. Peart, Moon, Bonham, Guy, Rich, it's all the same to us.

As it happens, middle daughter got a little electronic drum set for Hanukkah. Nightly we've been working on it with her. While we know nothing about drumming we are able to teach her some beats. So we started with We Will Rock You, moved on to Poor Some Sugar on Me, advanced to All Right Now, and are now on Paradise City.

She thinks the music videos are funny.

Exit Question: How come nobody ever talks about Country & Western musicianship? Style, yes of course? But where are the Country guitar gods? Whose the Tennessee Three's Eddie Van Halen?


  1. It's more of a backup in country the fiddle and banjo players are more in the lead in traditional country music

  2. Also I think in traditional country the main attraction is always the story of song and vocie of the singer not necccary the instruments

  3. The best guitar country song I can think of would be El Paso
