Monday, January 13, 2020

Why are we Still Here?

Hot Air asks, what the hell are we still doing in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan?:
Two Republican U.S. Senators want to know why the United States is still involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee are especially concerned about the fact the president is sticking with almost two-decade-old authorizations to keep troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.“This is what really infuriated me about the briefing: Is they maintain both in private and in public that a vote by Congress in 2003 or 2002 to go after Saddam Hussein was a vote that now allows them to still be in Iraq and do whatever they want, including killing a foreign general from Iran,” Paul declared on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday while pushing for a vote in Congress on new Authorizations for Use of Military Force. “And I don’t think that’s what Congress meant in 2002, nor do I think one generation can bind another generation. So my point in being for this war powers debate is that we really need to have a debate about whether we should still be in Iraq or in Afghanistan.”
Rand Paul, who once filibustered the over Senate Barry's droning of American citizens, is exactly the man to ask this question.

The constitutional issues are a dead letter. Presidents have been sending US Forces into battle without a formal war declaration since Washington; heck Adams fought the Quasi War against Revolutionary France. Jefferson and the Shores of Tripoli: Regime change 1804! Over 200 years later, Barry ruined Libya without so much as consulting congress. 

Heh, our man in Moscow asked us for a piece on San Fran Nan's bogus bill curbing the president's ability to do anything to Iran. We had to explain the War Powers Act to him. Nancy's bill is crap. Good to know she misses Soleimani.

Right now massive protests are rocking Iran. People this blog trusts (Belmont Club) think the regime is on the precipice, hanging by a threat, on the brink...The US can and should lend rhetorical support to the protestors just as Reagan did with Solidarity. Were the Mullahs to fall...well, that would change everything. Wow, we really could get the hell out of the Middle East...

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