Friday, January 31, 2020

Random and Various

We intend to expend some mental energy this weekend on a second What if the Native's Won? Short story. Ideas welcome.

In the Battle of the Barents Sea we are using The First Day, the Second Day, chapter headings, and so on. Alert reader(s) will recognize from what this is derivative. What this is derivative from? Who knows?

We can't quite decide if we want to or should italicize ship names in chapter headings.

We don't have a title for Part V, something like, Part IV: The Battle of the Bastion. Nor do we have a title for Part VI, in which the Krauts get Krauty.


I'm on a roll.

The Marine Nationale informs us that there is no French version of USS or HMS and simply to list the name of the ship and it's designation; PA Foch, for instance.

We are trying to get in touch with some Dutch naval types for same.

This is not the Saturday Update.

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