Friday, January 31, 2020

Fun with Polls...

...Or, these people are fucking nuts*:
At this point we guess the important question is where does Biden's support go once he joins Bernie Sanders in having some kind of serious medical event. This blog is betting on a stroke. Needlessly snarky? Sure. Mean? Ok. Possible? The wise observer would put the chances of Ugly Kid Joe stroking out at one in three. One in three are the chances of a brokered convention. These are also the chances Hillary! is the nominee. In her own words she 'feels the urge'.

For 20 years the Dems have been telling themselves that demography is destiny and it is their destiny to be America's natural ruling party for the next generation. Instead they're gonna nominate some aging white geezer with health issues. In 2020 if your candidate has vague memories of the Second World War, they're too old.

*Said in exactly the same tone and cadence as Inspector Gadget's 'This message will self destruct'.

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