Tuesday, January 14, 2020

So I Checked with Jewish Frat

This is a couple of weeks old now, but still delicious: 
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens has sparked a firestorm of criticism after he appeared to argue that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically predisposed to have a higher IQ than non-Jews. In a column published in the paper’s Friday edition titled “The Secrets of Jewish Genius,” Stephens asks, “how is it that a people who never amounted even to one-third of 1 percent of the world’s population contributed so seminally to so many of its most pathbreaking ideas and innovations?” Stephens wrote that the “common answer” was that “Jews are, or tend to be, smart,” and claimed that “when it comes to Ashkenazi Jews, it’s true.” He quoted as evidence a 2005 academic paper that argued “Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group for which there are reliable data.”
We love a Timesman taking flak for racism, bigotry and generally thinking the wrong thing.

Steve Sailer, social scientist, statistician and accused Jew Hater** has argued the same for a long time.

Look, you people all know the Animal House joke, 'I checked with the Jewish frat...' Oppenheimer, Fermi and Szilard were Jews. The Israelis built a dynamic, hightech economy in under a century and develop laser death rays. When was the last time anyone in the Gulf States invented something? Westerners found and developed their oil and Saudi Arabia's other main export is Wahabis.

Still, there are exceptions to Jewish general smartness. We graduated high school with a 1.7 GPA and a combined 850 SAT score. Combined. 

*OMG! OMG! He's liked a few of our responses to his tweets.
**Judge the man by his enemies, which include the ADL, so....
***Pretty sure we used that headline before.

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