Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Saturday Updates

Debbie has the Three Seas MS for the double check. The cover is done, fin. We'll need to read the proof. This is just the final check against typos. We may give it to someone else to read as well. April or May 1st.

Wrote two epilogue scenes for World War 1990: Nederlandse. These involve PM Lubbers and the Klazienaveen police. That's it. We're calling it. The rough draft of World War 1990: Nederlandse is complete.

We're writing the nuclear war story in the month of March. Fun!  We'll try to write another scene today and will continue discussing the matter next week. The short story compilation will be out late this year. This may be the showcase story. The War of '75 and Other Stories, or some such.

We've also written a Final Storm prep scene. We shall continue doing so throughout March.

We're on French I, Lesson 21. Coming along ok.

Five, four mile, hour long runs at the gym. An hour of rope-pulley, bike, rowing machine and Stairmaster on the oppo days. Nice. Still can't seem to break 249 lbs.

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