Sunday, March 1, 2020

Election Wrap

Biden's campaign of the undead staggers on to Super Tuesday.

In other news, on Monday the Israelis will have their third election in a year. We haven't written about it becuase we had forgotten about it. It looks like we'll have more or less the same result as the other two elections. For those requiring an update. Avigdor Liberman and his Israel Bitenyu party have refused to enter into a right-bloc coalition. They hate Arabs but they hate Haredi Jews even more. Hence the impasse.

Rumor has it, and by rumor we mean our Rabbi said on Friday, that Liberman will throw in with Benny Ganz and the Blue and Whites. Which is just fine with us. Ganz has endorsed the Trump peace plan. He ain't no Shimon Peres.

After that we have Super Tuesday! So lame. Readers should understand we're holding up our hand and making an L sign as we type this.

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