Sunday, February 16, 2020

Saturday Night (Chindian) Fever

Last night we went to the 40th birthday party of one of our beloved neighbors. We live in Chindia, so you know what that means.


Yes and dancing, gyrating Indian Women who...Aww! Ouch! Hey! Watch it! Ouch! Stop hitting me!

[You stupid, stupid knobhead-Ed].

This was at a craft brewery down in Flemington. We had big plans. But youngest daughter has the plague and Mrs. Stroock had to stay home with her. We had a beer, hopsy with a taste kind of like an orange rind, 3/4.We could have had another if we really wanted to but....Man Wesley College Will is shaking his head more in sadness than anger. By 9 PM it was time for all these middle-aged respectable people to pack it. We were touched when Mrs. S. suggested hopping a ride with someone and just leaving the car down there. 

Youngest daughter had a 103 fever when we got home. It was at that point that 'Thousands die from the flu each year' echoed in our head. We called the pediatrician, and thank the Lords of Kobol for her. She has a last name that is also the name of an American legislative body. We call her Dr. Knesset. She said don't panic. We didn't. This morning the kid is A-OK and snuggling with her pet otter, Flip.

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