Saturday, February 15, 2020

Updates for a Dreary Saturday in February Among the Chindians

Number of announced Coronavirus infections in Chindia: 0.0.

[Yeah. Announced.-Ed]

Oldest daughter's Chinese BFF likes to hug people after sneezing.

They're clever.

Anyway, World War 1990: Nederlandse is 75,000 words. The naval chapter is coming on OK, and the Klazienaveen Politei chapter has flow and purpose. Needs some editing and fixing, of course. It will take another week to sort out. We might* finish the naval chapter this week?

We await the revised cover for World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas. Then we proof. And then? Why and then we publish. Which we probably won't do till we are formatting Nederlandse.

[Why you cheeky...-Ed]

We'll see.

We are expending mental energy on the short story compilation. We're thinking of writing two stories for it this summer.

[Ambitious, no?-Ed]


Again we'll see.

*Said with maximmum up-talk.

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