Monday, February 17, 2020

The Annual WIll Stroock Presidents Day Spectacular

At the risk of writing this Presidents Day what we always write on Presidents Day, here we go again.

No president is as great as we think. No president is as bad as we think.

There is nothing like President Trump in American history.

The best presidents in chronological order are: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Roosevelt and Reagan.

The worst presidents in chronological order are: Adams, Buchanan, Hoover, Carter, Obama.

George W. Bush handled 9/11, liberated Afghanistan, won the war in Iraq, and handled the financial crisis.

Andrew Jackson was a horrible president (2nd Bank Act, Specie Circular, Indian Removal Act) and should not be on the $20. Replace him with Reagan.

The most underated president is James Polk (Annexation of Texas, 54-40 dispute, War with Mexico).

Lyndon Johnson has risen in our esteem. W has fallen.

Nixon was framed.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Polk but will disagree with you on Jackson I think he is up there as one of the best
