Monday, February 17, 2020

Lower Slobovia is Ours!

Saw this on FB. Let's assume it's true. Why not?
Who are these Canadians that think part of another country belongs to them? And what country? Greenland?...

[Danish territory you dumb Yank-Ed]

Let's go with Greenland. Perhaps we should expect to see the Princess Pats and the Van Doos marching down the Hudson River Valley? Huh. Or eh, anyway.

Without looking we knew that the smaller, less important the country, the greater its territorial aspirations would be. Look at all those pissant Eastern European nations. 

Nice countries don't have this problem *cough* Netherlands *cough*. Neither do serious nations. Come on, Argentina, this is like the US claiming Bermuda. Get over it already. 

[Quite right. And God Save the Queen! -Ed]

Germany is low on this list, which is reassuring. 

Are the 23% of Brits who agree with this proposition after Ireland again? Do they want the Cinque Ports back?

[You know...-Ed?]

Don't say it.

[They want the return of land that was illegally seized in Colonies-Ed]

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