Monday, February 17, 2020

Trump to America: I love you 'Merica

Are you not entertained?:

Don't tell this blog that Trump doesn't understand TV and know his audience.

Middle daughter asked what a pace car is, we were about to explain it, but being a Northeast Corridor dwelling Yankee, we really don't know.  Instead we looked to Mrs. Stroock. After all, not only is Mrs. Stroock a Delaware girl, she's born and raised in Dover.

She has graciously allowed us to sleep on the deck until we can secure alternative accommodation. You see, folks in Dover hate race weekend. Indeed, during our time at Wesley College one simply hunkered down and hoped beer supplies held out. And with the crew that came into town like a thundering barbarian horde, well...thank god we've always hated Coors Lite.

Anyway the event was gauche, tasteless and declassee, like Trump. It was glorious. Trump knows his people and Trump's people know Trump. 

Exit video convergence from Dewey Beach's own George Thorogood and Delaware Destroyers:
Made in America, USA. Absolutely goddamn right.

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