Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Will at the Gym

We're up to 45 minutes on the treadmill. Yesterday we just kept going:
We've always been more concerned with time than distance. That's four miles though. Not bad. Then we did the smart thing and cut the workout off right there. No need to push it. We had been wondering if we should split things up anyway, treadmill one day, all the other stuff the next. This will allow us more exercise time and simultaneously reduce body stress, which as of late has been considerable. We had a wicked case of tendonitis the other week. Thank you cortisone, thank you.

Scales are always a tricky thing, and we can't seem to get below 249 pounds, that's 17.7 stone for you Brits, 112 KG for you Continentals. We're adding muscle, right? Right? But we can really see our appendix scar in the mirror and are buttoning up size 38 pants.


  1. Have u tried water aerobics with my bad knees it gives a good workout with me hurting for 3 days after
