Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Barack Obama is a Dope

We've written before that we think Barack Obama is stupid. A persona hatched in the apartment of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn. An empty suit coasting on his good looks, sartorial voice and the low expectations of the bi-coastal liberal elite.

Obama was a great speaker who needed a teleprompter to talk to kindergarteners.

Obama was an orator for the ages but no one can recall a thing he said.

Obama was an interesting man but had no hobbies other than college sports. 

Obama was a great leader but forged no relationships with congressional or foreign leaders.

Well a few days ago Barry tweeted that his $750 billion porkulous boondoggle, from 2010 mind you, is responsible for Trump's booming economy. 

This is the argument of a shallow man, who on any subject knows only what he read in a magazine article about said subject. This is how he ended up saying tonsil hunting doctors were driving up healthcare costs, inflating tires more would save billions on gas, and ATMs were replacing bank jobs.

Obama was a debate club politician who thought winning an argument with a stupid point was akin to getting things done. That's how it's done on Crossfire. Recall his 'teachable moment' remark.

Barack Obama is an ignorant man.

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